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Clean-up Tool

Discarded Paint is the #1 Hazardous Household Waste


"The Paintmiser is a great way of helping to address the environmental threat of discarded paint...We wish to state our strong support for your new product."

Mark Angelo
Head-BCIT Fish and Wildlife Department
Co-Chair - World Rivers Day
Founder - BC Rivers Day


Discarded Paint is an Environmental Disaster
More than 767 million gallons of architectural paint and coatings are sold in North America annually. Typically, 5-7% of the contents of a paint can cling to the interior of the can. This translates to between 38 and 53 million gallons of residual paint that can end up in our landfills and water yearly. How much paint is 53 million gallons? Fifty–three million gallons is enough paint to cover one hundred and sixty acres, one foot deep. Another way to look at this scenario is to consider the wreck of the Exxon Valdez, widely known to be a major environmental disaster. That accident “only” released an estimated 11 million gallons of oil.

Discarded paint in our environment poses a real and lasting threat to our increasingly compromised water resources. Our responsibility to our planet and future generations demands that we do our part in dealing with the environmental impact of the products we manufacture and consume.


Leftover Paint Costs Big Money
Paint is considered to be #1 household hazardous waste. Municipal and state agencies consistently report that leftover paint represents between 40% and 60% (by weight) of all material collected at HHW (household hazardous waste) collection facilities or events. Leftover paint is a top concern based on its high volume in the waste stream and subsequent costs to manage, recover, reuse, and recycle. Of all hazardous household products (HHP), paint represents the largest cost for local governments to collect and manage, costing more than US$304 million per year (an average collection and management cost of US$8/gallon, Source: Final Paint Technical Report, Product Stewardship Institute, University of Massachusetts/Lowell). This cost is ultimately born by you and I, the taxpayers. In effect, wasted paint costs us twice. Once when we pay for something we don’t use, and, again when we pay to dispose of it.
The Best Strategy? Use It All Up!

If the paint we purchase is completely used up there is no disposal problem. A clean paint can easily be re-used or recycled. Consumer driven environmental degradation is an area of growing concern to all levels of government and increasingly a market force to be reckoned with. Discarded paint costs us not only in wasted time and material, but also in our future well-being.

How Can Paint be Easily Reclaimed From it's Container?
Finally, PaintMiser brings to the world, a product line that effectively addresses the problems of residual paint in paint containers. Paint Miser Products Inc. (PMPI) has developed a product line that allows for the recovery of 99+% of leftover paint from paint cans, while also offering significantly improved cleanup and handling efficiencies.


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